Lukas Vogelsang, Ph.D.

Marin Vogelsang

Lukas Vogelsang


I am currently a Simons Postdoctoral Fellow at the MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, supervised by Prof. Pawan Sinha. Previously, I obtained a B.Sc. in Cognitive Science from the University of Osnabrueck (Germany), a M.Sc. in Neural Systems & Computation from UZH/ETH Zurich (Switzerland), having written my thesis with Prof. Klaas Enno Stephan, and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from EPFL (Switzerland), supervised by Prof. Michael Herzog (see CV).

My main interests include visual perception, temporal processing, and sensory development, with a particular focus on how our perceptual system may rely on temporal regularities in the environment as well as certain sensory characteristics early in life. I engage in computational simulations and experimental work in both typical and atypical development, including with autistic individuals and children treated for congenital blindness through Project Prakash.


[2025/01]: New paper about vernier acuity in late-sighted children accepted in Developmental Science !

[2024/12]: Work on joint biomimetic training regimens presented at NeurIPS Workshop on Behavioral ML ! [Paper]

[2024/11]: Received Professional Development Award and presented work on temporal order judgement at OPAM !

[2024/11]: New paper about temporal integration and subjective perception published in Journal of Vision ! [Paper]

[2024/08]: Presented computational work on the emergence of the parvo/magnocellular pathways at CCN ! [Paper]

[2024/05]: We were featured by Science as this week's Protostars! [Protostar section]

[2024/05]: New paper about the role of initially degraded color vision published in Science ! [Paper] [MIT News] [Science Podcast]

[2024/04]: New paper about the stability of temporal integration windows published in Journal of Vision ! [Paper]

[2024/04]: Moved to MIT to explore the developmental dimension of temporal processing in my postdoc!

[2024/03]: Defended my PhD thesis "Temporal aspects of feature integration in vision"! [Abstract]

[2024/01]: New review paper about adaptive initial degradations published in Developmental Review ! [Paper]

Selected Publications [All]

Vogelsang, L.*, Gilad-Gutnick, S.*, Ehrenberg, E., Yonas, A., Diamond, S., Held, R., & Sinha, P. (2018). Potential downside of high initial visual acuity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Paper]

Vogelsang, M.*, Vogelsang, L.*, Gupta, P.*, Gandhi, T., Shah, P., Swami, P., Gilad-Gutnick, S., Ben-Ami, S., Diamond, S., Ganesh, S., & Sinha, P. (2024). Impact of early visual experience on later usage of color cues. Science. [Paper]

Vogelsang, L.*, Vogelsang, M.*, Pipa, G., Diamond, S., & Sinha, P. (2024). Butterfly effects in perceptual development: a review of the ’adaptive initial degradation’ hypothesis. Developmental Review. [Paper]

Vogelsang, L., Drissi-Daoudi, L., & Herzog, M. (2023). Processing load, and not stimulus evidence, determines the duration of unconscious visual feature integration. Communications Psychology. [Paper]